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La Presse Médicale

Quarterly Medical Review

Format (l x h) : 1 x 1 mm | Editeur : MASSON | Date de publication : 01/1893 | Périodicité : 4 n° par an | Langue(s) de publication : Anglais

Quarterly Medical Review


Designed to foster excellence in medical pratice and facilate access to an international readership, La Presse Médicale is now strictly online journal. Each issue is headed by an international expert and dedicated to a specific topic, with an editorial and sevreal solicited papers.

Topics : 2023 : Type 2 Diabetes - Disorders fo Consciousness - Rare Respiratory Diseases - Sickle Cell Diseases

2022 : Cutaneous Lymphomas - Medical Functionnal Imaging - Modern Pandemics / Transplantation/

2021 : Multiple Sclerosis - Scleroderma - Lipoatrophy Syndromes - Pitituary Disorders

2020 : IGG4 related Diseases - Intersitial Lung Diseeases - Tatoos - Vasculitis /

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État du stock EN STOCK
Editeur MASSON
Périodicité 4 n° par an
Format Revue
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