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Revue européenne de psychologie appliquée - European Review of Applied Psychology

Format (l x h) : 210 x 280 mm | Editeur : ELSEVIER | ISSN : 1162-9088 | Date de publication : 01/1951 | Périodicité : 6 n° par an | Langue(s) de publication : Français

Jacques Py, Martine Bouvard, Thérèse Bouffard, Donatienne Desmette, Paul Fontayne, Patrick Gosselin, Sybil Geldart, Guy Lories, George Michael
The aim of the European Review of Applied Psychology, formerly Revue européenne de psychologie appliquée, is to promote high-quality applications of psychology to all areas of specialization, and to foster exchange among researchers and professionn ...en savoir plus

The aim of the European Review of Applied Psychology, formerly Revue européenne de psychologie appliquée, is to promote high-quality applications of psychology to all areas of specialization, and to foster exchange among researchers and professionnals.Its policy is to attract a wide range of contributions, including empirical research, overviews of target issues, case studies, descriptions of instruments for research and diagnosis, and theoretical work related to applied psychology. In all cases, authors will refer to published ans verificable facts, whether established in the study being reported of in earlier publications.The journal is open to contributions from Europe and elsewhere, in fields such as health, development, psychological testing, environment, gerontology, economics, ergonomics, work, etc. Articles must be of interest to both the academic world and the professional community.

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The aim of the European Review of Applied Psychology, formerly Revue européenne de psychologie appliquée, is to promote high-quality applications of psychology to all areas of specialization, and to foster exchange among researchers and professionnals.Its policy is to attract a wide range of contributions, including empirical research, overviews of target issues, case studies, descriptions of instruments for research and diagnosis, and theoretical work related to applied psychology. In all cases, authors will refer to published ans verificable facts, whether established in the study being reported of in earlier publications.The journal is open to contributions from Europe and elsewhere, in fields such as health, development, psychological testing, environment, gerontology, economics, ergonomics, work, etc. Articles must be of interest to both the academic world and the professional community.

Board members with affiliations

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Périodicité 6 n° par an
ISSN 1162-9088
Format Revue
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