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Diabetes & Metabolism

Format (l x h) : 210 x 270 mm | Editeur : Elsevier Masson | ISSN : 1262-3636 | Date de publication : 01/1975 | Périodicité : 6 n° par an + suppléments | Langue(s) de publication : Anglais

Fabrice Bonnet
Diabetes & Metabolism, a bimonthly publication, is the official journal of the French Society of Diabetes (SFD). The journal publishes high quality papers by leading teams forming a close link between hospital and research units. Original articles, s ...en savoir plus

Diabetes & Metabolism, a bimonthly publication, is the official journal of the French Society of Diabetes (SFD). The journal publishes high quality papers by leading teams forming a close link between hospital and research units. Original articles, short reports and comprehensive reviews are indexed in all international databases (Impact factor 2015 : 4.693).


Diabetes & Metabolism, a bimonthly publication, is the official journal of the French Society of Diabetes (SFD). The journal publishes high quality papers by leading teams forming a close link between hospital and research units. Original articles, short reports and comprehensive reviews are indexed in all international databases (Impact factor 2015 : 4.693).

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Editeur Elsevier Masson
Périodicité 6 n° par an + suppléments
ISSN 1262-3636
Format Revue
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