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Format (l x h) : 210 x 280 mm | Editeur : Elsevier Masson | Date de publication : 01/1970 | Périodicité : 6 n° par an | Langue(s) de publication : Anglais

Thomas Gaberel
IMPACT FACTOR 2023 : 1.5Neurochirurgie publishes articles on treatment, teaching and research, neurosurgery training and the professional aspects of neurosurgery. It focuses on pathologies of the head, spine and central and peripheral nervous systems ...en savoir plus

IMPACT FACTOR 2023 : 1.5

Neurochirurgie publishes articles on treatment, teaching and research, neurosurgery training and the professional aspects of neurosurgery. It focuses on pathologies of the head, spine and central and peripheral nervous systems and their vascularization. All aspects of the specialty are dealt with: trauma, tumor, degenerative disease, infection, vascular pathology, radiosurgery, and pediatrics. Transversal studies are also welcome, but must be of interest for neurosurgeons: neuroanatomy, neurologic intensive care, neuroradiology, spine surgery. Technical and methodological aspects are also taken onboard: diagnostic and therapeutic techniques, methods for assessing results, epidemiology, surgical, interventional and radiological techniques, simulations and pathophysiological hypotheses, and educational tools. The editorial board may refuse submissions that fail to meet the journal's aims and scope; such studies will not be peer-reviewed, and the editor in chief will promptly inform the corresponding author, so as not to delay submission to a more suitable journal.
With a view to attracting an international audience of both readers and writers, Neurochirurgie especially welcomes articles in English, and gives priority to original studies. Other kinds of article - reviews, case reports, technical notes and meta-analyses - are equally published.
Every two years, a special edition is dedicated to the topic selected by the French Society of Neurosurgery for its annual report.


IMPACT FACTOR 2023 : 1.5

Neurochirurgie publishes articles on treatment, teaching and research, neurosurgery training and the professional aspects of neurosurgery. It focuses on pathologies of the head, spine and central and peripheral nervous systems and their vascularization. All aspects of the specialty are dealt with: trauma, tumor, degenerative disease, infection, vascular pathology, radiosurgery, and pediatrics. Transversal studies are also welcome, but must be of interest for neurosurgeons: neuroanatomy, neurologic intensive care, neuroradiology, spine surgery. Technical and methodological aspects are also taken onboard: diagnostic and therapeutic techniques, methods for assessing results, epidemiology, surgical, interventional and radiological techniques, simulations and pathophysiological hypotheses, and educational tools. The editorial board may refuse submissions that fail to meet the journal's aims and scope; such studies will not be peer-reviewed, and the editor in chief will promptly inform the corresponding author, so as not to delay submission to a more suitable journal.
With a view to attracting an international audience of both readers and writers, Neurochirurgie especially welcomes articles in English, and gives priority to original studies. Other kinds of article - reviews, case reports, technical notes and meta-analyses - are equally published.
Every two years, a special edition is dedicated to the topic selected by the French Society of Neurosurgery for its annual report.

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Editeur Elsevier Masson
Périodicité 6 n° par an
Format Revue
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