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Science & Sports

Format (l x h) : 210 x 280 mm | Editeur : ELSEVIER | ISSN : 0765-1597 | Date de publication : 01/1986 | Périodicité : 8 issues/year | Langue(s) de publication : Anglais

Xavier Bigard
Science & Sports is a peer-reviewed journal, publishing worldwide high-quality and impactful papers of medical, scientific and applied technical research in the different fields of sports and physical activities: sport medicine, exercise physiology, ...en savoir plus

Science & Sports is a peer-reviewed journal, publishing worldwide high-quality and impactful papers of medical, scientific and applied technical research in the different fields of sports and physical activities: sport medicine, exercise physiology, sport physiology and performance, nutrition, traumatology relating to sport, rehabilitation or adapted physical activities. It facilitates the transfer of knowledge and technology between the clinic, research and practice in physical and athletic activity. Science & Sports considers for publication articles, reviews, technical or clinical notes and letters to the editors, provided that the methodology and scientific content are of high quality, and that the results will have substantial clinical impact and/or physiological importance. 8 issues/year


Science & Sports is a peer-reviewed journal, publishing worldwide high-quality and impactful papers of medical, scientific and applied technical research in the different fields of sports and physical activities: sport medicine, exercise physiology, sport physiology and performance, nutrition, traumatology relating to sport, rehabilitation or adapted physical activities. It facilitates the transfer of knowledge and technology between the clinic, research and practice in physical and athletic activity. Science & Sports considers for publication articles, reviews, technical or clinical notes and letters to the editors, provided that the methodology and scientific content are of high quality, and that the results will have substantial clinical impact and/or physiological importance. 8 issues/year

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Périodicité 8 issues/year
ISSN 0765-1597
Format Revue
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