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Respiratory Medicine And Research

Format (l x h) : 210 x 280 mm | Editeur : Elsevier Masson | ISSN : 2590-0412 | Date de publication : 01/2019 | Périodicité : 2 N° par an (ABP) | Langue(s) de publication : Anglais

David Montani, Pierre-Regis Burgel, Chantal Raherison, Muriel Fartoukh, François-Xavier Blanc, Claire Andrejak, Christophe Delacourt, Gaetan Deslée, Laurent Greillier, Christophe Guignabert, Wim Janssens, David Boulate, Guillaume Chassagnon, Cécile Chenivesse, Bruno Degano, Florence Jeny, Capucine Morelot-Panzini, Laura Price, Anne-Claire Toffart, Steeve Provencher, Philippe Bonniaud, Camille Taillé
The second journal of the French Society of Respiratory Diseases (SPLF, ) is a peer-reviewed English-language journal, published e-only. RESPIRATORY MEDICINE AND RESEARCH aims an international dimension, publishing research articles, ...en savoir plus

The second journal of the French Society of Respiratory Diseases (SPLF, ) is a peer-reviewed English-language journal, published e-only. RESPIRATORY MEDICINE AND RESEARCH aims an international dimension, publishing research articles, reviews articles, guidelines, consensus statements, and this in all areas of Respiratory Diseases.


The second journal of the French Society of Respiratory Diseases (SPLF, ) is a peer-reviewed English-language journal, published e-only. RESPIRATORY MEDICINE AND RESEARCH aims an international dimension, publishing research articles, reviews articles, guidelines, consensus statements, and this in all areas of Respiratory Diseases.

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Editeur Elsevier Masson
Périodicité 2 N° par an (ABP)
ISSN 2590-0412
Format Revue
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