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Annales d'Endocrinologie

Format (l x h) : 210 x 280 mm | Editeur : Elsevier Masson | Date de publication : 01/1939 | Périodicité : 6 n° par an + suppléments | Langue(s) de publication : Anglais

Frédéric Castinetti
The Annales d'Endocrinologie, mouthpiece of the French Society of Endocrinology (SFE), publishes reviews, articles and case reports (Letter to the Editor) coming from clinical, therapeutic and fundamental research with an immediate relevant impact on ...en savoir plus

The Annales d'Endocrinologie, mouthpiece of the French Society of Endocrinology (SFE), publishes reviews, articles and case reports (Letter to the Editor) coming from clinical, therapeutic and fundamental research with an immediate relevant impact on clinical outcomes in endocrinology and metabolic diseases. Every year, it carries a position paper by a work-group of French-language experts in endocrinology, on an endocrine pathology chosen by the Society's Scientific Committee. The journal is also the organ of the Society's annual Congress, publishing a summary of the symposia, communications and posters. It also includes high levels updated reviews named "Les Essentiels" every year. Finally, The Annales d'Endocrinologie publish the high-level instructional courses delivered during the Henri-Pierre Klotz International Endocrinology Days. The Annales is a window on the world, keeping alert clinicians up to date on what is going on in diagnosis and treatment in all the areas of our specialty. With a stable impact factor around 3 over the last few years, The Annales d'Endocrinologie now represents an important player in the national and international field of endocrinology.


The Annales d'Endocrinologie, mouthpiece of the French Society of Endocrinology (SFE), publishes reviews, articles and case reports (Letter to the Editor) coming from clinical, therapeutic and fundamental research with an immediate relevant impact on clinical outcomes in endocrinology and metabolic diseases. Every year, it carries a position paper by a work-group of French-language experts in endocrinology, on an endocrine pathology chosen by the Society's Scientific Committee. The journal is also the organ of the Society's annual Congress, publishing a summary of the symposia, communications and posters. It also includes high levels updated reviews named "Les Essentiels" every year. Finally, The Annales d'Endocrinologie publish the high-level instructional courses delivered during the Henri-Pierre Klotz International Endocrinology Days. The Annales is a window on the world, keeping alert clinicians up to date on what is going on in diagnosis and treatment in all the areas of our specialty. With a stable impact factor around 3 over the last few years, The Annales d'Endocrinologie now represents an important player in the national and international field of endocrinology.

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Editeur Elsevier Masson
Périodicité 6 n° par an + suppléments
Format Revue
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