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Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine

Format (l x h) : 210 x 280 mm | Editeur : ELSEVIER | ISSN : 1877-0657 | Date de publication : 01/1958 | Périodicité : 8 issues/year | Langue(s) de publication : Anglais

Academic and scholarly abstracted journal publishing worlwide clinical and basic research in the field of Physical and Rehabilitation MedicineAnnals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine publishes original peer-reviewed clinical and research articl ...en savoir plus
Academic and scholarly abstracted journal publishing worlwide clinical and basic research in the field of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine

Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine publishes original peer-reviewed clinical and research articles, epidemiological studies, new methodological clinical approaches, review articles, editorials and guidelines. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine covers all areas of Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine; such as: methods of evaluation of motor, sensory, cognitive and visceral impairments; acute and chronic musculoskeletal disorders and pain; disabilities in adult and children; processes of rehabilitation in orthopaedic, rhumatological, neurological, cardiovascular, pulmonary and urological diseases. E-journal

One of the Journals of the UEMS PRM Section. Journal published in association with the ISPRM

2021 Impact Factor: 5.393
2021 Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics, 2022)

8 issues/year since 2023


Academic and scholarly abstracted journal publishing worlwide clinical and basic research in the field of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine

Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine publishes original peer-reviewed clinical and research articles, epidemiological studies, new methodological clinical approaches, review articles, editorials and guidelines. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine covers all areas of Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine; such as: methods of evaluation of motor, sensory, cognitive and visceral impairments; acute and chronic musculoskeletal disorders and pain; disabilities in adult and children; processes of rehabilitation in orthopaedic, rhumatological, neurological, cardiovascular, pulmonary and urological diseases. E-journal

One of the Journals of the UEMS PRM Section. Journal published in association with the ISPRM

2021 Impact Factor: 5.393
2021 Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics, 2022)

8 issues/year since 2023

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Périodicité 8 issues/year
ISSN 1877-0657
Format Revue
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