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Hand Surgery and Rehabilitation

Formerly : Chirurgie de la Main

Format (l x h) : 210 x 280 mm | Editeur : ELSEVIER | ISSN : 2468-1229 | Date de publication : 01/1981 | Périodicité : 6 n° par an | Langue(s) de publication : Anglais

Nicolas Dréant
Formerly : Chirurgie de la Main


Hand Surgery and Rehabilitation is the official organ of the French, Swiss and Belgian hand surgery societies. It publishes original articles, literature reviews, technical notes and case reports in English, dealing with traumatic, degenerative, tumoral and neurological pathologies of the hand. The latest innovations are highlighted, such as last-generation implants, ultra sound guided surgery or surgery under WALANT. Emergency management is another focus: each edition of the journal features a section for the European Federation of Hand Emergency Services (FESUM). As the official journal of the French Society of Rehabilitation of the Hand and Upper Limb (SFRM-GEMMSOR), Hand Surgery and Rehabilitation also publishes articles on recent progress in hand rehabilitation.
As well as more than 6 regular editions a year, we publish a supplement every 2 years updating one particular pathology. It calls upon cutting-edge specialists, to deal with all aspects of a condition related to hand surgery.

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État du stock EN STOCK
Périodicité 6 n° par an
ISSN 2468-1229
Format Revue
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