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Journal of Visceral Surgery

Editeur : Elsevier Masson | Date de publication : 01/1970 | Langue(s) de publication : Anglais

Developing the international reputation of French speaking visceral surgery research and CMEAfter 100 years, the Journal de Chirurgie implements a decisive step in its development, aiming at increasing its audience and reputation among non-French sp ...en savoir plus

Developing the international reputation of French speaking visceral surgery research and CME
After 100 years, the Journal de Chirurgie implements a decisive step in its development, aiming at increasing its audience and reputation among non-French speaking scientists and practitioners.
It will also make possible for French speaking authors to see their research benefit from a larger international audience.
Journal of Visceral Surgery (JVS) and its French version Journal de Chirurgie viscérale publish original scientific work in English and French, respectively, related to all domains in general surgery. All original articles, case reports, and technical notes are published in English and in French: in English (JVS) in electronic form only, and in French in paper and electronic editions.
Only the English version (JVS) is indexed in international databases


Developing the international reputation of French speaking visceral surgery research and CME
After 100 years, the Journal de Chirurgie implements a decisive step in its development, aiming at increasing its audience and reputation among non-French speaking scientists and practitioners.
It will also make possible for French speaking authors to see their research benefit from a larger international audience.
Journal of Visceral Surgery (JVS) and its French version Journal de Chirurgie viscérale publish original scientific work in English and French, respectively, related to all domains in general surgery. All original articles, case reports, and technical notes are published in English and in French: in English (JVS) in electronic form only, and in French in paper and electronic editions.
Only the English version (JVS) is indexed in international databases

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Editeur Elsevier Masson
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